AMA FY 12 Access Tahla students visiting Al-Akhawayn University in Ifrane, May 13, 2015
Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane' s mission is to provide a learning environment in a Moroccan setting to a multi-cultural community. Employing a North American pedagogy, we provide a broad, holistic and child-centered education delivered within a safe and healthy framework. The school aims at developing each student’s cognitive, emotional, and physical potential to create self-confident, autonomous future citizens imbued with social and ecological awareness. AMA Access Tahla visit to Al-Akhawayn University had an indelible impression on our impressionable young students!
AMA Access students' Leadership Festival M'diq 5-7 Feb, 2015
Watch our video here
In pictures, Mr. Mhalil Zakari's workshop on global citizenship for AMA Access Tahla students
November 29, 2014
ICT session at the local youth club Almassira Al-Khadrae
Saturday, November 1
Click here to see our end of second term talent show video